Women of the World Week Celebrate Women of Colour Poets

March 11, 2016

Yesterday evening (10/03/2016) the Southbank Centre celebrated women of colour poets as part of Women of the World Festival 2016. The group of women are part of the Octavia group who are led by Rachel Long, who has been shortlisted for the role of Young Poet Laureate of London. So you should assume that the standard is top caliber and rightly so. Ask anyone who attended last night. An outstanding display of talent was shared in the most impeccable manner possible. Inspiring women setting an example to both sexes. Check out the small selection of images I captured last night.

More information is available at the Rachel Long Facebook page

See the canon differently at an event celebrating unsung women poets and up-and-coming stars.

Octavia are: Anjali Barot, Sunayana Bhargava, Victoria-Anne Bulley, Josette Dennis, Amina Jama, Virginia Joseph, Theresa Lola, Nyasha Mangera-Lakew, Rena Minegishi, Tania Nwachukwu, Hibaq Osman, Rhondda Rhiannon, Amaal Said, Ankita Saxena and Belinda Zhawi.

The group explores issues of intersectionality, sexuality, and the representation of women of colour.

The women have also been working with Poetry Library librarians to discover some of the hidden heroines of poetry. They highlight the significance of their voices both on stage and in a resource at the event.

Apologies for the lack of photos as I was having camera issues last night.

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